Зенкин Александр Александрович


  1. A. A. Zenkin
    Cognitive (Semantic) Computer Visualization Of The Continuum Problem And Some Mirror-Symmetric Proofs In The G.Cantor Transfinite Numbers Theory. The E-Journal "Visual Mathematics" , Vol. 2 (Полный текст: doc) , 03.1999

  2. A. A. Zenkin
    Superinduction: A New Method for Proving General Mathematical Statements with a Computer. Doklady Mathematics,, 1997, pp. 410-413. , Vol.55, No.3 , p. 410-413 (Полный текст: doc) , 03.1997

  3. A. A. Zenkin
    The Generalized Waring Problem:Estimation of the Function G(m,r) in Terms of the Function g(m-1,r) by the Superinduction Method. Doklady Mathematics , , Vol.56, No 1 , p. 597-600 (Полный текст: rtf) , 01.1997

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