Rangel S.


  1. I. S. Litvinchev ,   S.  Rangel ,   O.  Chacon
    A priori error bounds for the aggregated generalized transportation problem. Abstracts of INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 2000 , p. 286 , 01.2000

  2. I. S. Litvinchev ,   S.  Rangel
    Localization of the optimal solution and a posteriori bounds for aggregation. Computers & Operations Research , vol.26 N10-11 , p. 967-988 , 01.1999

  3. I. S. Litvinchev ,   S.  Rangel
    Aggregation and bounds computation in integer programming. Extended Abstracts of VIII Latin-Iberian-American Congress on Operations Research and Systems Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1996 , p. 1452-1457 , 01.1996

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