Zhadan V G


  1. Y. G. Evtushenko ,   A. M. Rubinov ,   V. G. Zhadan
    General Lagrange-type functions in constrained global. Part I: Auxiliary functions and optimality conditions. Optimization Methods and Software , Vol.16, N 1-4 , p. 193-230 , 01.2001

  2. Y. G. Evtushenko ,   A. M. Rubinov ,   V. G. Zhadan
    General Lagrange-type functions in constrained global. Part II: Exact auxiliary functions.. Optimization Methods and Software , Vol.16, N 1-4 , p. 231-256 , 01.2001

  3. Y. G. Evtushenko ,   V. G. Zhadan
    The space transformation techniques in mathematical programming.. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 180, System Modeling and Optimization, Proc. of the 15th IFIP Conference (Editor P. Kall), Zurich: Springer-Verlag, , p. 292-300 , 01.1992

  4. Y. G. Evtushenko ,   V. G. Zhadan
    New approaches in optimization technique. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 143, System Modeling and Optimization, Proc. of the 14th IFIP Conference (ed. H.-J. Sebastian and K. Tammer), Leipzig: Springer-Verlag, , p. 23-37 , 01.1989

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