Персона без имени


  1.   Vavilov V.S. ,     Murzin V.N. ,     Zayats V.A. ,     Kononenko V.L. ,     Mandel'stam T.S.
    Submillimeter absorption spectra and phase transition of indirect excitons in germanium. II-19190 Intern. conf. Submill. waves and their application. Conf. diges. 5-7 June 1974. Atlanta , с. P.186-190

  2.   Vavilov V.S. ,     Murzin V.N. ,     Zayats V.A.
    New far infrared resonance absorption and emission of germanium at low temperature and optical generation of carriers. X-th Intern. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors. Proc. 17-21 Aug.1970. Cambridge, Massachusetts / Ed.S.P.Keller, J.C.Hensel, F.Stern. , с. P.509-516

  3.   Keldysh L.V. ,     Vavilov V.S. ,     Bricin K.I.
    The influence of a strong electric field on the optical properties of semiconductors. Intern.conf. on semiconductor physics. Proc. Prague. 1960 , с. P.824-828

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