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  1.   Nikolsky S.I. ,     Efimov N.N. ,     Krasilnikov D.D. ,     Shamsutdinova F.K.
    Atmospheric effects and sideral variations of E.A.S.. Can. J. Phys. , Vol.46,N10,pt.1 , с. P.84-85 , 01.1968

  2.   Nikolsky S.I. ,     Krasilnikov D.D. ,     Shamsutdinova F.K. ,     Makarov K.M. ,     Krasilnikov A.D.
    Energy dependence of intensity anisotropy characteristics and the origin of cosmic rays with energy above 10~19 eV. 17-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. France.1981 , Vol.2 , с. P.160-163 , 01.1981

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