Персона без имени


  1.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ozernoy L.M.
    On the nature of quasars and active galactic nuclei [An extended version of the paper read at the Joint Meeting of the Commissions 40 and 48 at the XVI General assembly of the IAU (Grenoble, August 27, 1976). Submitted to Astrophysics and space.... en=ru Неизвестное название , с. С.52-55: ил.

  2.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ozernoy L.M. ,     Syrovatzkii S.I.
    On the mechanism of radiation of the galaxy 3C 273B. II-20403 Quasi-stellar sources and gravitational collapse. Including the proceedings of the First Texas symposium on relativistic astrophysics. , с. P.277-281

  3.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ozernoy L.M.
    On the significance of coherent plasma radio-wave emission for quasi-stellar radio objects and supernovae remnants. Astrophys.J. , Vol.144,N2 , с. P.599-610 , 01.1966

  4.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ozernoy L.M.
    A few remarks on gamma-radiation and the chemical composition of quasars. Astrophys. and Space Sci. , Vol.9,N1 , с. P.116-122 , 01.1970

  5.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ozernoy L.M.
    О природе квазаров и активных ядер галактик. Astrophys. and Space Sci. , Vol.50,N1 , с. P.23-41: il. , 01.1977

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