Персона без имени


  1.   Alekseev Y.I. ,     Vitkevich V.V. ,     Zhuravlev V.F. ,     Shitov Y.P.
    Pulsar PP 0943. Nature , Vol.224 , с. P.49 , 01.1969

  2.   Vitkevich V.V. ,     Shitov Y.P.
    Short duration pulsations of CР 0808 and main features of its radio emission in the metre band. Nature , Vol.225 , с. P.248 , 01.1970

  3.   Vitkevich V.V. ,     Shitov Y.P.
    Linear polarization of MP 0628 and its emission at metra wavelengths. Nature , Vol.226 , с. P.1235-1236 , 01.1970

  4.   Alekseev Y.I. ,     Vitkevich V.V. ,     Zhuravlev V.F. ,     Shitov Y.P.
    Bursts in the radioemission of pulsar PP 0943. Astrophys. Lett. , Vol.9 , с. P.209 , 01.1971

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