Персона без имени


  1.   Bazilevskaya G.A. ,     Charakhchyan T.N. ,     Vashenyuk E.V.
    On the role of coronal propagation of solar cosmic rays with the energy more than 100 MeV. 15-th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. Bulgaria.1977 , Vol.5 , с. P.148-153 , 01.1977

  2.   Bazilevskaya G.A. ,     Vashenyuk E.V.
    Some features of coronal and interplanetary propagation of solar cosmic rays of high energy. 16-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. 16-th. 6-18 Aug. 1979. Conf. Papers. Sponsored by Sci. Council of Japan and Phys. Soc. of Japan , Vol.5 , с. P.156-161 , 01.1979

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