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  1.   Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Puchkov V.S. ,     Kim V.M. ,     Merson G.I.
    The ionization of relativistic particles in Ar+He mixture and comparison of the experimental data with the theory. II-17605 12th Intern. Conf. on Cosmic Rays. Hobart. August 16-25,1971. Conf.papers ... , Vol.6 , с. P2488-2491 , 01.1971

  2.   Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Starkov N.I. ,     Tsarev V.A. ,     Merson G.I. ,     Polukhina N.G. ,     Lamishev L.M. ,     Saito T.. ,     Sasaky X..
    Search for charged massive particles of dark matter using satellite-based acoustic detectors. Acoustical Phys. , Vol.44 , с. P.61-67 , 01.1998

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