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  1.   Smorodin Y.A. ,     Smirnova M.D. ,     Tomaszewski A..
    Significance of the diffractive-type processes for particle production at high energies (physical foundations of the two component model). 5 Intern. Sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Invited and Rapporteur Papers , с. P.42-56

  2.   Smorodin Y.A. ,     Tomaszewski A.. ,     Jankowski W..
    The possibility of explanation of halo. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.180-183

  3.   Smorodin Y.A. ,     Budilov V.K. ,     Wlodarczyk Z.. ,     Tomaszewski A.. ,     Braziewicz J..
    Influence of scattered light on measurement the optical density of darkness spots from EPC, registered in X-ray films. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego. Ser.II Nauki Matematyczno Przyrodnicze , Zes.60(Fyzyka.Collaboration) , с. P.325-329 , 01.1977

  4.   Smorodin Y.A. ,     Smirnova M.D. ,     Tomaszewski A..
    On the development of the two component model. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz. Ser.Recherches sur les deformations / Red.J.Lawrynowicz , Vol.XIII,N121-130 , с. 20 pp.(N 126) , 01.1992

  5.   Smorodin Y.A. ,     Smirnova M.D. ,     Tomaszewski A..
    On the development of the two-component model. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz. Ser.Recherches sur les deformations / Red.J.Lawrynowicz , Vol.XVI , с. P.77-96 , 01.1994

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