Персона без имени


  1.   Shotov A.P. ,     Kutcherenko I.V. ,     Svistov A.E. ,     Itskevich E.S. ,     Kashirskaya L.M. ,     Pankratov O.A.
    Resonant band and compositional disorder in narrow gap semiconductors lead-tin-selenide. 18 th Intern. conf. on the Physics Semiconductor. Proc. Stokholm, 1986 , с. P.1819-1822

  2.   Shotov A.P. ,     Kutcherenko I.V. ,     Svistov A.E.
    Energy levels of native defects in n-Pb_1-xSn_xSe. Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors. 4 th Intern. conf. on ... Linz, Austria, Sept. 14-17, 1981. Proc. / Ed.: E.Gornik,H.Heinrich,L.Palmetshofer , с. P.454-457

  3.   Volkov B.A. ,     Svistov A.E. ,     Davydov D.N. ,     Chishevskii E.G.
    Quantum steps in conductance of small size point contracts based on narrow gap semicondactors. Phys.Low-Dim.Struct. , Vol.7 , с. P.1-95 , 01.1995

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