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Heavy holes localization, metal-insulator transition and superconductivity of HTSC oxides.
Oxide superconductors: physics and nanoengineering II / ed. D.Pavuna,I.Bozovic
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Anomalous behaviour of noncopper high temperature superconductor Ba_1-xK_xBiO_3.
Transport properties of superconductors / Ed. R.Nicolsky , с. C.568-570
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The influence of oxygen vacancies and rare earth ions substitution on specific heat of HTS.
4-th Intern. conf. on phys. of magn. mater (Szczyrk-Bila, Poland, 4-10 Sept. 1988). Abstr. , с. P.60
- Golovashkin A.I. , Mitsen K.V. , Ivanenko O.M. , Anshukova N.V. , Kraiskaya K.V.
High-T_c superconductivity in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system.
Physica C: Superconductivity , Vol.153-155,pt.II , с. P.625-626 , 01.1988
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The effect of oxygen content variation and rare-earth ion substitution on the magnetic properties and specific heat of the granular high-T_c superconductors.
Acta phys. pol. A , Vol.76,N1 , с. C.35-40 , 01.1989
- Golovashkin A.I. , Anshukova N.V. , Ivanova L.I. , Rusakov A.P. , Tskhoverbov A.M. , Zherikhina L.N.
Behavior of high-T_c Ba_1-xK_xBiO_3 in microwave field.
Pr. Phys.Inst. , N124 , с. 16 c. , 01.1991
- Golovashkin A.I. , Anshukova N.V. , Ivanova L.I. , Rusakov A.P.
Phase transitions and peculiarities of physical properties in Ba-K-Bi-O system.
Pr. Phys.Inst. , N109 , с. 8 p. , 01.1991
- Golovashkin A.I. , Anshukova N.V. , Ivanova L.I. , Rusakov A.P. , Tskhoverbov A.M. , Zherikhina L.N.
I-V characteristics hysteresis in superconding Ba_1-xK_xBiO_3 under microwave radiation.
Progress in High-T{c} , Vol.32 , с. P.403-405 , 01.1992
- Golovashkin A.I. , Anshukova N.V. , Gorelik V.S. , Ivanova L.I. , Rusakov A.P.
Raman scattering of light in perovskite-like superconductors Ba_1-xK_xBiO_3.
Journal Molecular Structure , Vol.219 , с. P.147-151 , 01.1990
- Golovashkin A.I. , Anshukova N.V. , Ivanova L.I. , Rusakov A.P. , Zemlyanov M.G. , Parshin P.P. , Soldatov P.I.
Thermal vibration spectrum for the Ba_1-xK_xBiO_3 lattice.
Phys. status solidi B , Vol.174 , с. P.360-363 , 01.1991