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  1.   a.o. ,     Bollini D.. ,     Baranov S.P. ,     Benvenuti A.C. ,     Bruni G.. ,     Grushin V.F. ,     Komar A.A. ,     Shikanyan A.A. ,     Telyukov E.V.
    Upper limits on D~ -D~ mixing ang BB production from muon-nucleon scattering. Phys.Lett.B , Vol.158B,N6 , с. P.531-535 , 01.1985

  2.   a.o. ,     Baranov S.P. ,     Grushin V.F. ,     Komar A.A. ,     Bardin D.Y.
    The contribution from charmed particles production and decay to multimuon events in deep inelastic N scattering. Preprint LPI , N174 , с. 16 c. , 01.1985

  3.   a.o. ,     Baranov S.P. ,     Grushin V.F. ,     Komar A.A. ,     Telyukov E.V.
    The contribution from hadronic showers production and decay to multimuon events in deep inelastic "mu"N scattering. Preprint LPI , N36 , с. 13 c. , 01.1986

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