Персона без имени


  1.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Prokhorov A.V. ,     Lang I.G.
    The increase of exciton contribution into multi-phonon resonant Raman scattering (MPRRS) in polar semiconductors in a strong magnetic field. Intern. Conf. Physics Raman Spectroskopy. Proc.

  2.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Pivovarov I.S. ,     Prokhorov A.V.
    Correlated and squeezed coherent states in Josephson junction. Squeezed coherent states and uncertainty relations. Intern. conf. Proc.

  3.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Prokhorov A.V. ,     Lang I.G.
    The finite volume of the electron-hole pair and exciton formation rate in polar semiconductors. Solid State Commun. , Vol.82,N2 , с. P.135-136 , 01.1992

  4.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Prokhorov A.V. ,     Lang I.G.
    The increasing of the binding probability of free electron and hole into Wannier-Mott exciton in a strong magnetic field. Solid State Commun. , Vol.85,N2 , с. C.129-133 , 01.1993

  5.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Prokhorov A.V. ,     Lang I.G.
    The increas of the rate of the monomolecular process of exciton formation in a strong magnetic field. Solid State Commun. , Vol.88,N8 , с. C.855-857 , 01.1993

  6.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Prokhorov A.V. ,     Lang I.G. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Cardona M.
    Outgoing excitonic resonance in multi-phonon Raman scattering from polar semiconductors. Phys.Rev. , Vol.52,N15 , с. C.11920-11930 , 01.1995

  7.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Prokhorov A.V. ,     Lang I.G. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Cardona M.
    Magnetic-field-enhanced outgoing excitonic resonance in multi-phonon Raman scattering from polar semiconductors. J.Phys. Condenced Matters , Vol.8 , с. P.6769-6778 , 01.1996

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