Персона без имени


  1.   Golovashkin A.I. ,     Anshukova N.V. ,     Ivanova L.I. ,     Rusakov A.P. ,     Tskhoverbov A.M. ,     Zherikhina L.N.
    Behavior of high-T_c Ba_1-xK_xBiO_3 in microwave field. Pr. Phys.Inst. , N124 , с. 16 c. , 01.1991

  2.   Golovashkin A.I. ,     Anshukova N.V. ,     Ivanova L.I. ,     Rusakov A.P. ,     Tskhoverbov A.M. ,     Zherikhina L.N.
    I-V characteristics hysteresis in superconding Ba_1-xK_xBiO_3 under microwave radiation. Progress in High-T{c} , Vol.32 , с. P.403-405 , 01.1992

  3.   Golovashkin A.I. ,     Tskhoverbov A.M. ,     Zherikhina L.N. ,     Gudenko A.V.
    The resolution limit of the detector on the base of the magnetic adiabatic calorimeter operating in the region of the ferromagnetic trnsition. Czechosl. J. Phys. , Vol.46 , с. P.2895-2896 , 01.1996

  4.   Golovashkin A.I. ,     Tskhoverbov A.M. ,     Zherikhina L.N. ,     Gudenko A.V.
    The new method of frequency modulated microwave field to observe Josephson behavior of the weak links system. Physica C: Superconductivity , Vol.235-240 , с. P.2048-2049 , 01.1994

  5.   Golovashkin A.I. ,     Tskhoverbov A.M. ,     Zherikhina L.N. ,     Gudenko A.V.
    The dc-current destruction of superconducting state and hysteresis effects in Ba-K-Bi-O. Czechosl. J. Phys. , Vol.46,Suppl.S2 , с. P.851-852 , 01.1996

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