Кукушкин Николай Серафимович


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  1. N. S. Kukushkin
    An existence result for coalition-proof equilibrium. Economics Letters , V.57 , p. 269-273 , 01.1997

  2. N. S. Kukushkin
    Reasons for the existence of Cournot equilibrium. Game Theory and Economics; N.N.Vorob'ev Memorial Conference. Abstracts. St.Petersburg , p. 33 , 01.1996

  3. N. S. Kukushkin
    Separable aggregation and the existence of Nash equilibrium. University of Bielefeld, Institute of Mathematical Economics, Working Paper , Nr.248 , 01.1995

  4. N. S. Kukushkin
    On the existence of Cournot equilibrium with indivisibilities. Abstracts for the Symposium on Operations Research, Passau , p. 130 , 01.1995

  5. N. S. Kukushkin
    Two-person game forms guaranteeing the stability against commitment and delaying tactics. International Journal of Game Theory , V.24 , p. 37-48 , 01.1995

  6. N. S. Kukushkin
    A condition for the existence of a Nash equilibrium in games with public and private objectives. Games and Economic Behavior , V.7 , p. 177-192 , 01.1994

  7. N. S. Kukushkin
    A fixed-point theorem for decreasing mappings. Economics Letters , V.46 , p. 23-26 , 01.1994

  8. N. S. Kukushkin
    Cournot oligopoly with "almost" identical convex costs. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Econpmicas, Discussion Paper , WP-AD 93-07 , 01.1993

  9. Н. С. Кукушкин
    Новое достаточное условие существования равновесия в модели Курно. ДАН , Т.331 , с. 674-676 , 01.1993

  10. N. S. Kukushkin
    On existence of stable and efficient outcomes in games with public and private objectives. International Journal of Game Theory , V.20 , p. 295-303 , 01.1992

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