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  1.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Kirzhnits D.A.
    On the problem of high-temperature superconductivity. Phys.Repts C , Vol.4C,N7 , с. P.344-356 , 01.1972

  2.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Gamma radiation of magellanic clouds and metagalactic origin of cosmic rays. Nature , Vol.239,N88 , с. P.8-9 , 01.1972

  3.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ptuskin V.S. ,     Tsytovich V.N.
    On the of plasma effects in the cosmic ray propagation and isotropization in the galaxy. Astrophys. and Space Sci. , Vol.21,N1 , с. P.13-38 , 01.1973

  4.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Gamma astronomy and cosmic rays.2.. Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics , Vol.5,N1 , с. P.15-21 , 01.1973

  5.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Possibility of determining intergalactic gas density by radio observations of flares of remote sources. Nature , Vol.246,N5433 , с. P.415 , 01.1973

  6.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Motulevich G.P. ,     Kopaev Y.V. ,     Kirzhnits D.A. ,     Bulaevsky L.N. ,     Khomskii D.I. ,     Maximov E.G. ,     Zarkov G.F.
    The problem of high-temperature superconductivity. Part I. Pr. FIAH , N45 , с. 56 c. , 01.1974

  7.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Man'ko V.I.
    Relativistic wave equations with inner degrees of freedom and partons. Pr. FIAH , N128 , с. 36 p. , 01.1974

  8.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Zheleznyakov V.V.
    On the pulsar emission mechanisms. Pr. FIAH , N130 , с. 50p. , 01.1974

  9.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Levanyuk A.P.
    On light scattering near phase-transition points in the solid state. Phys.Lett. A , Vol.47,N4 , с. P.345-346 , 01.1974

  10.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ptuskin V.S.
    Some questions connected with the problem of cosmic ray origin. Pr. FIAH , N72 , с. 11 p. , 01.1975

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