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  1.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the surface energy and the behaviour of superconductors of small dimensions. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.9,N4 , с. P.305-311 , 01.1945

  2.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Frank I..
    Radiation of a uniformly moving electron due to its transition from one medium into another. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.9,N5 , с. P.353-362 , 01.1945

  3.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the dielectric properties of ferroelectric (seignetteelectric) crystals and barium titanate. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.10,N2 , с. P.107-115 , 01.1946

  4.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On nuclear scattering of mesotrons. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.10,N3 , с. P.297-298 , 01.1946

  5.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the non-linearity of eletromnagnetic processes in superconductors. J_Phys._USSR , Vol.11,N1 , с. P.93 , 01.1947

  6.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Radiation from an electron moving near a dielectric. C.r.Acad. sci. URSS , Vol.56,N2 , с. C.145-148 , 01.1947

  7.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Radiation from an electron moving near a dielectric. C.r.Acad. sci. URSS , Vol.56,N2 , с. P.145-148 , 01.1947

  8.   Ginzburg V.L.
    On the Cherenkov effect as regards its use in the radiation of radio waves. C.r.Acad. sci. URSS , Vol.56,N3 , с. P.253-254 , 01.1947

  9.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Einige Probleme aus der Theorie der elektrischen Schwankungs-erscheinungen. Fortschr. Phys , Bd.1,H.2 , с. S.51-87 , 01.1953

  10.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Der gegenwartige Stand der Theorie der Supraleitung. Fortschr. Phys , Bd.1,H.3-4 , с. S.101-163 , 01.1953

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