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  1.   Feinberg E.L. ,     Dorman L.I.
    Solar corpuscular streams and cosmic ray variations. Nuovo Cimento , Vol.8,suppl.N2 , с. C.379-390 , 01.1958

  2.   Feinberg E.L.
    Propagation of radio waves along an inhomogeneous surface. Nuovo Cimento , Vol.11,suppl.N1,p.60-91 , с. C.60-91 , 01.1959

  3.   Feinberg E.L.
    Замечание о времени жизни Файрбола. Nucleonika , Vol.13,N1 , с. C.1-4 , 01.1968

  4.   Dobrotin N.A. ,     Feinberg E.L.
    Information on strong interactions from research on cosmic rays. Proceedings of the Royal Society , Vol.278,N1374 , с. P.391-400 , 01.1964

  5.   Feinberg E.L.
    Multiple production of hadrons at cosmic ray energies (Experimental results and theoretical concepts). Phys.Repts C , Vol.5,N5 , с. C.237-351 , 01.1972

  6.   Feinberg E.L. ,     Nikolsky S.I. ,     Yakovlev V.I. ,     Pavluchenko V.P.
    New particles in superhigh energy cascades ?. Pr. FIAH , N69 , с. 12 c. , 01.1975

  7.   Feinberg E.L.
    Direct production of photons and dileptons in thermodynamical models of multiple hadron production. Nuovo Cimento , Ser.11,Vol.34A,N3 , с. P.391-412 , 01.1976

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