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  1.   Nesterova N.M. ,     Nikolsky S.I. ,     Erlykin A.D. ,     Machavariani S.K. ,     Nam R.A. ,     Cherdyntseva K.V. ,     Chubenko A.P. ,     Dubovy A.G. ,     Shaulov S.B. ,     Vildanov N.G. ,     Adamov D.S. ,     Arabkin V.V. ,     Barkalov K.V. ,     Stavrev P.V. ,     Kadirsisov B.B. ,     Pavljuchenko V.P.
    Investigation of the nuclear interactions on the modern Tien-Shan installation "Hadron". I-93843 Intern. cosmic ray conf. Aug. 2-15, 1987. Moscow, USSR. Conf.Papers. , Vol.6 , с. P.144-146 , 01.1988

  2.   Danilova T.V. ,     Erlykin A.D. ,     Machavariani S.K.
    Lateral distribution of muons in small EAS and P_t - distribution of secondaries. 18-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. India. Conf. Papers , Vol.6 , с. P.50 , 01.1983

  3.   Danilova T.V. ,     Erlykin A.D. ,     Machavariani S.K.
    High energy hadrons in small EAS and their jet lateral structure. 18-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. India. Conf. Papers , Vol.6 , с. P.78-81 , 01.1983

  4.   Danilova T.V. ,     Erlykin A.D. ,     Machavariani S.K.
    The usage of small EAS experimental data for the calibration of the model of the cosmic ray propagation through the atmosphere. Pr. FIAH , N14 , с. 51 p.:il. , 01.1984

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