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  1.   Nikolsky S.I. ,     a.o. ,     Sinitsyna V.G. ,     Alaverdian A.Y. ,     Arsov T.P.
    Extragalactic sources NGC 1275, MRK 501, MRK 421, from SHALON-ALATOO observatory TeV gamma ray telescope. 16 European cosmic ray sympos. 1998. Spain. / J.Medina . , с. P.367

  2.   Dobrotin N.A. ,     Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Apanasenko A.V. ,     a.o. ,     Goncharova L.A. ,     Zayarnaya I.S. ,     Gorjachih A.A. ,     Konovalova N.S. ,     Lubchenko V.V. ,     Martinov A.G. ,     Poluhina N.G. ,     Shalamova S.Y.
    Analysis of structure of halo in familles with energy >= 500TeV. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.9-13

  3.   Dobrotin N.A. ,     Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Apanasenko A.V. ,     a.o. ,     Goncharova L.A. ,     Zayarnaya I.S. ,     Gorjachih A.A. ,     Konovalova N.S. ,     Lubchenko V.V. ,     Martinov A.G. ,     Poluhina N.G. ,     Shalamova S.Y.
    Analysis of space-energy characteristics of gamma-families with "sigma"E_"gamma"=100-1000 TeV. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.15-23

  4.   Rakobolskaja I.V. ,     Rakobolskaja I.V. ,     Zelevinskaya N.G. ,     Maximenko V.M. ,     a.o. ,     Amineva T.P. ,     Ivanenko I.P. ,     Fedorova G.F. ,     Ilijina N.P. ,     Kopenkin V.V. ,     Managadze A.K. ,     Popova E.G. ,     Strogova O.P. ,     Sveshnikova L.G.
    Study of gamma-hadron families in deep lead XEC. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.24-29

  5.   Dobrotin N.A. ,     Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Apanasenko A.V. ,     a.o. ,     Goncharova L.A. ,     Zayarnaya I.S. ,     Gorjachih A.A. ,     Konovalova N.S. ,     Lubchenko V.V. ,     Martinov A.G. ,     Poluhina N.G. ,     Shalamova S.Y.
    Some individual superfamilies detected in the deep XEC. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.30-34

  6.   Dobrotin N.A. ,     Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Apanasenko A.V. ,     a.o. ,     Goncharova L.A. ,     Zayarnaya I.S. ,     Gorjachih A.A. ,     Konovalova N.S. ,     Lubchenko V.V. ,     Martinov A.G. ,     Poluhina N.G. ,     Shalamova S.Y.
    About the characteristics of "gamma"-families as determined in account of Landau-Pomeranchuk effect. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.54-57

  7.   Dobrotin N.A. ,     Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Apanasenko A.V. ,     a.o. ,     Goncharova L.A. ,     Zayarnaya I.S. ,     Gorjachih A.A. ,     Konovalova N.S. ,     Lubchenko V.V. ,     Martinov A.G. ,     Poluhina N.G. ,     Shalamova S.Y.
    Some peculiarities of high energy hadron attenuation in 110 cm XEC. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.65-69

  8.   Dobrotin N.A. ,     Kotelnikov K.A. ,     Apanasenko A.V. ,     a.o. ,     Goncharova L.A. ,     Zayarnaya I.S. ,     Gorjachih A.A. ,     Konovalova N.S. ,     Lubchenko V.V. ,     Martinov A.G. ,     Poluhina N.G. ,     Shalamova S.Y.
    Stratospheric investigations of primary cosmic rays and their interactions at high energies. 5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.264-269

  9.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Kopaev Y.V. ,     a.o. ,     Kirzhnits D.A. ,     Bulaevsky L.N. ,     Zharkov G.F.
    High-temperature superconductivity / Ed. V.L.Ginzburg and D.A.Kirzhnits. High-Temperature Superconductivity

  10.   Zhdanov G.B. ,     Zelevinskaya N.G. ,     Slavatinsky S.A. ,     Maximenko V.M. ,     Puchkov V.S. ,     Kanevskaya E.A. ,     Smorodin Y.A. ,     a.o. ,     Cherdyntseva K.V. ,     Shaulov S.B. ,     Denisova V.G. ,     Bayburina S.G. ,     Guseva Z.M. ,     Smirnova M.D. ,     Urysson A.V. ,     Dunaevskii A.M. ,     Pashkov S.V.
    Centsuros and minicentauros in the Pamir experiment. Pamir collaboration workshop. Cedzyna (Poland), May, 1980 , с. P.7-14

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