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  1.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Korovin L.I. ,     Lang I.G. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Cardona M.
    Triple polarons in quantum wells. Intern. Sympos. "Nanostructures-97: Physics and Technology". St. Petersburg.Russia. 23-27 June 1997

  2.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Cardona M. ,     Trallero-Giner C.
    Diagrammatic approach to the Fano interference in light scattering from doped semiconductors. 23 Intern. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors. Proc. July 21-26, 1996. Vol.1. / Ed.: M.Scheffler and R.Zimmermann , с. P.309-312

  3.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Gurioli M. ,     Vinattieri A. ,     Colocci M.
    Rayleigh scattering theory-ecsp.. Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems. IV-th Intern. Meeting. Proc. 1995, Cortona, Italy

  4.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A.
    Single-particle excitations in light from doped quantum well. Phys.of Low-Dimensional Structures. II Intern. Conf. Proc. 1995. Dubna, Russia

  5.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A.
    Single-particle excitations in electronic light scattering. VII-th Intern. Conf. on Modulated Semiconductor Structures. Proc. 1995. Madrid. Spain

  6.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Lang I.G. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cardona M.
    Spatial correlation of electrons and holes in multiphonon resonant Raman scattering in a high magnetic field. Phys.Rev. , Vol.46,N24 , с. P.15767-15788 , 01.1992

  7.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Gurioli M. ,     Colocci M. ,     Bogani F. ,     Vinattiery A.
    Resonant Rayleigh Scattering in Semiconductor Structures. Nuovo Cimento , T.17,N11-12 , с. P.1487-1492 , 01.1995

  8.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Korovin L.I. ,     Lang I.G. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Cardona M.
    Spatial correlation of laser-generated electrons and holes in quantum wells. Phys.status solidi B , Vol.88, , с. P.863-884 , 01.1995

  9.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Prokhorov A.V. ,     Lang I.G. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Cardona M.
    Outgoing excitonic resonance in multi-phonon Raman scattering from polar semiconductors. Phys.Rev. , Vol.52,N15 , с. C.11920-11930 , 01.1995

  10.   Pavlov S.T. ,     Belitsky V.I. ,     Cantarero A. ,     Gurioli M. ,     Vinattieri A. ,     Colocci M. ,     Bogani F.
    Elastic light scattering from semiconductor structures: Localized versus propagating intermediate electronic excitations. Phys.Rev. , Vol.52,N23(15December) , с. P.16665-16675 , 01.1995

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