Лопатенко Андрей Сергеевич


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  1. A. S. Lopatenko
    Reconstructing Repairs of Census Data Forms as Database Repairs. co-authors Leopoldo Bertossi, Enrico Franconi . Technical Report. Free University of Bozen-Bolzano 2003 (Полный текст: pdf) , 09.2003

  2. A. S. Lopatenko
    Comparative Study of Metadata for Scientific Information: The place of CERIF in CRISs and Scientific Repositories co-authors: K. G. Jeffery, A. Annerson. Gaining Insight from Research Information, 6th International Conference on Current Reseach Information Systems, August 29-31, 2002 in Kassel, Germany (Полный текст: pdf)

  3. A. S. Lopatenko
    CERIF - Information Retrieval of Research Information in a Distributed Heterogeneous Environment co-authors: K. G. Jeffery, A. Annerson. Gaining Insight from Research Information, 6th International Conference on Current Reseach Information Systems, August 29-31, 2002 in Kassel, Germany (Полный текст: ppt, pdf)

  4. A. S. Lopatenko
    CERIF: Past, Present and Future: An Overview co-authors: K. G. Jeffery, A. Annerson. Gaining Insight from Research Information, 6th International Conference on Current Reseach Information Systems, August 29-31, 2002 in Kassel, Germany (Полный текст: pdf)

  5. A. S. Lopatenko
    CERIF-2000 as a platform for university public research information service. Gaining Insight from Research Information, 6th International Conference on Current Reseach Information Systems, August 29-31, 2002 in Kassel, Germany (Полный текст: doc, pdf)

  6. A. S. Lopatenko
    Gaining Insight From Research Information: Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) as a Platform for Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) co-authors: Ms. Anne Asserson, Norway; Prof. Keith G. Jeffery, United Kingdom; Mr. Eric Zimmerman (Israel). 8th Annual EARMA Conference Integrating European Research and Innovation Management , 06.2002

  7. A. S. Lopatenko
    National networks of science and technology information. Semantic Web based architecture for access to research and technology data. EVA-2001, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, The Fourth International Conference Moscow, 3-8 December 2001 (Полный текст: pdf, ps) , 12.2001

  8. A. S. Lopatenko
    Information retrieval in Current Research Information Systems. Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation at K-CAP'2001 First International Conference on Knowledge Capture , 10.2001

  9. А. С. Лопатенко ,   А. Н. Бездушный ,   В. А. Серебряков ,   А. М. Меденников ,   А. А. Вежневец
    Метаданные ИСИР: определение и использование. Digital Libraries , ? , 10.2001

  10. А. С. Лопатенко
    Обеспечение жизненного цикла информационных ресурсов. Прикладные модули Интегрированной Системы Информационных Ресурсов РАН. Сборник докладов Третьей Всероссийской научной конференции "Электронные библиотеки: перспективные методы и технологии, электронные коллекции", Петрозаводск, 11-13 сентября 2001 (Полный текст: pdf) , 09.2001

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