3D surface reconstruction in automatic recognition system

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    Development of computer vision systems raises a problem of creating effective methods for
    restoring surface characteristics from their photographic images minimizing calculations while
    preserving reasonable accuracy of measurements. Here optimized algorithms of the surface
    reconstruction from stereo-images is proposed. The optimization is achieved by introducing some
    constraints on the conditions of image recording and by involving an a priory affirmation about
    objects in study. Effective algorithms have been developed on the basis of correlation method
    estimating corresponding points on images in stereo set and disparity map computation.
    Performance optimization is achieved by some modifications of correlation method including a
    pyramidal presentation of the images. The system uses a stereoscopic registration of face images
    and performs real-time image processing. The system was tested on a database of stereo- images.

 Ключевые слова

    Сomputer vision, stereoscopic vision, surface reconstruction, pyramidal data representation.
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