Unsteady Boundary Layers on the Porous Plates in a Rotating Slot with Injection and Suction

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    Unsteady flow of an ordinary viscous fluid inside an infinite slot made by two parallel plates $Q_1$ and $Q_2$ with a spacing $l$ is analyzed. The slot executes a solid-body rotation. The unsteady flow is induced by nontorsional oscillations of both plates and by injection/suction of the fluid with a velocity $u_0(t)$ in the direction normal to the plates $Q_1$ and $Q_2$ through their porous surfaces. A solution is found for the velocity field of the induced flow. In the general case, the solution is obtained as the sum of an infinite series and is represented as a Duhamel integral. The results obtained are used to analyze the boundary-layer structures developing at the walls.

 Ключевые слова

    unsteady boundary layers, porous plates, rotating slot, injection and suctuion, viscous fluid, velocity field

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