Intern. sympos. "Nanostructures: physics and technology" St.Peterburg, Russia. June 26-30 1995

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  1.   Chebotarev A.P. ,     Chebotareva G.P. ,     Nikitin A.P. ,     Gornik E.. Deformation of cyclotron resonance spectrum of 2D-electron gas in GaAs/AlGaAS heterostructures at heating by pulsed electric field

  2.   Murzin V.N. ,     Tskhoverbov A.M. ,     Karuzskii A.L. ,     Perestoronin A.V. ,     Rasulova G.K. ,     Efimov Y.A. ,     Beloushkin A.A. ,     Chizhevskii E.G. ,     Ignatyev A.S. Double barrier resonant tunneling oscillations stabilized by a microstrip resonator

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