6 Intern. Conf. Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors, M2S-HTSC-VI, 20-25 February 2000, Houston, Texas, USA. Abstracts
Общая информация
Murzin V.N.
Dravin V.A.
Karuzskii A.L.
Perestoronin A.V.
Sverbil P.P.
Eltsev Y.F.
Polariton-like interaction between microwaves and electronic subsystem of metal oxide superconductor
Dravin V.A.
Karuzskii A.L.
Perestoronin A.V.
Krapivka A.E.
Measurements of the effective eelectrodynamical parameters of Nb microstrip resonator
Mikhailova G.N.
Shchurova L.Y.
Prokhorov A.M.
Troitskii A.V.
Heavy ions transfer in HTSC and nature of the current states in d-type superconductors
Kopaev Y.V.
Belyavsky V.I.
Kapaev V.V.
Coulomb coupling of like charges due to negative reduced effective mass
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