The burst growth of Internet and Intranets during last years made up the new worldwide information area with inexhaustible resources which are accessible from almost any PC. The problems of simulation of complex technical and construction systems are still topical, as they help to find out "bottle necks", to compare different realizations of complicated technical projects as early as the stage of system projecting begins, and to train the personal early before the whole system is built. The researches carried out last years in the Simulation Modeling department of Computing Center of Russian Science Academy in the field of developing of concepts and instruments for complicated systems modeling let us now begin the new step in evolution of simulation instruments - developing of the simulation center in the Internet. The principle base of such center should be instrumental systems of simulation, elaborated in Simulation Modeling department of CCAS and the corporative network of CCAS with it's connection to the Internet. The two main applications of such a center we see now, are: - developing of spread simulation systems; - serving the remote clients in simulation experiments. In both of these applications we in Simulation Modeling department have some experience.