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  1.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Salvato M.. ,     Coccorese C.. ,     Hanasio C.A.
    Dimensional crossovcrs in superconductor-spin glass nanostructures. Intern. conf. physics chemistry and application of nanostructures, 1997. Proc. , с. P.102-105

  2.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Attanasio C.. ,     Salvato M.. ,     Zhdanovitch S.V.
    Spatially nonlinear pinning potential in BSCCO films. World Scientific/ ed.H.W.Weber , с. P.280-283

  3.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Zhdanovitch S.V.
    Pinning potential transport measurements of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x thin films. Intern. Workshop on Superconductivity. Kyoto,Japan, 1994. Proc. , с. P.192-193

  4.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Zhdanovich S.V.
    Pinning potential transport measurements of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x thin films. Journal Superconductivity , Vol.7,N5 , с. P.849-851 , 01.1994

  5.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Attanasio C.. ,     Salvato M.. ,     Coccorese C..
    Experimental investigation of pinning potential shape in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O films. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity , Vol.5,N2 , с. P.1359-1362 , 01.1995

  6.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Attanasio C..
    Scaling of I-V curves and flux creep in high-Tc superconductors. Physica C: Superconductivity , Vol.282-287 , с. P.2019-2020 , 01.1997

  7.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Attanasio C..
    Disorder and vortex dynamics in high-T_c superconductors. Supercond. Sci. Technology , Vol.10,N3 , с. P.119-122 , 01.1997

  8.   Lykov A.N. ,     Prishchepa S.L. ,     Maritato L.. ,     Attanasio C.. ,     Salvato M.. ,     Coccorese C.. ,     Mercaldo L.V. ,     Falco C.M.
    Angular dependence of the upper critical field in Nb/CuMn multilayers. Phys.Rev. , Vol.57B,N10 , с. P.6056-6060 , 01.1998

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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