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- Nikolsky S.I. , a.o. , Sinitsyna V.G. , Alaverdian A.Y. , Arsov T.P.
Extragalactic sources NGC 1275, MRK 501, MRK 421, from SHALON-ALATOO observatory TeV gamma ray telescope.
16 European cosmic ray sympos. 1998. Spain. / J.Medina . , с. P.367
- Nikolsky S.I.
Confinement breaking at incoming proton energies above 10~4 TeV.
VIII Simpos. on very high energy cosmic ray interaction. Proc. Tokyo. 1994 , с. P.267-282
- Nikolsky S.I. , Sinitsyna V.G.
Investigation of gamma-sources by mirror telescopes.
Intern. Workshop on Crimea. Dublin. Ireland , с. P.11-21
- Nikolsky S.I.
11-th Europ. cosm. ray simp. Yungary.1988 , с. P.35-50
- Nikolsky S.I. , Cherdyntseva K.V. , Shaulov S.B. , Arabkin V.V. , Jakovleva T.I.
Investigation of spectra of hadrons and their shower accompaniment by methods of XEC and EAS.
5-Intern. sympos. on very high energy cosmic ray interactions. Lodz, Poland, 29 Aug.-6 Sep.1988. Contributed Papers , с. P.59-64
- Dobrotin N.A. , Zatsepin G.T. , Slavatinsky S.A. , Nikolsky S.I.
Beginning of high-energy physics in cosmic rays.
Early history of cosmic ray studies , с. P.225-237
- Nikolsky S.I.
Energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays.
Intern. symp. on cosmic rays and particle physics. Tokio. 1984 , с. P.507-525
- Nikolsky S.I.
Of primary cosmic rays at 1-10~6 TeV.
Workshops on Cosmic Ray Interactions and High Energy Results. La Paz, Rio de Janeiro,1982 , с. P.336-349
- Nikolsky S.I.
EAS - a source of information on inelastic hadron collisions.
I-77899 Космические лучи. 7-й Европейский симпозиум... Мат-лы. (15-19 сент.1980) / Под ред. В.А.Дергачева и Г.Е.Кочарова , с. С.126-147
- Nesterova N.M. , Nikolsky S.I. , Tukish E.I. , Machavariani S.K. , Romakhin V.A.
Study of the hadron component of EAS at the energy > 10~13 eV (Исследование адронной компоненты ШАЛ с энергией больше 10~13 эВ).
I-77899 Космические лучи. 7-й Европейский симпозиум... Мат-лы. (15-19 сент.1980) / Под ред. В.А.Дергачева и Г.Е.Кочарова , с. С.316-319