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Персона без имени
- Danilova T.V. , Erlykin A.D.
On the possible character of scaling violation at high energies.
16-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. 16-th. 6-18 Aug. 1979. Conf. Papers. Sponsored by Sci. Council of Japan and Phys. Soc. of Japan , Vol.7 , с. P.339-344 , 01.1979
- Erlykin A.D. , Kuzina N.P.
On the role of nuclear effects, reproduction processes and influence of primary nuclei on the characteristics of cosmic rays in the atmosphere.
16-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. 16-th. 6-18 Aug. 1979. Conf. Papers. Sponsored by Sci. Council of Japan and Phys. Soc. of Japan , Vol.7 , с. P.62-67 , 01.1979
- Nikolsky S.I. , Danilova T.V. , Erlykin A.D. , Machavariani S.K. , Chubenko A.P. , Yakovleva T.I. , Krutikova N.P. , Adamov D.S.
EAS associated with leading hadrons of the energy above 5TeV at the mountain level.
I-93843 Intern. cosmic ray conf. Aug. 2-15, 1987. Moscow, USSR. Conf.Papers. , Vol.5 , с. P.464-467 , 01.1987
- Nesterova N.M. , Nikolsky S.I. , Danilova T.V. , Erlykin A.D. , Dubovy A.G. , Yakovleva T.I. , Krutikova N.P.
The hadron energy spectra in EAS with 0.5-10 PEV primary energy at Tien_Shan level.
I-93843 Intern. cosmic ray conf. Aug. 2-15, 1987. Moscow, USSR. Conf.Papers. , Vol.6 , с. P.47-50 , 01.1987
- Nesterova N.M. , Nikolsky S.I. , Erlykin A.D. , Machavariani S.K. , Nam R.A. , Cherdyntseva K.V. , Chubenko A.P. , Dubovy A.G. , Shaulov S.B. , Vildanov N.G. , Adamov D.S. , Arabkin V.V. , Barkalov K.V. , Stavrev P.V. , Kadirsisov B.B. , Pavljuchenko V.P.
Investigation of the nuclear interactions on the modern Tien-Shan installation "Hadron".
I-93843 Intern. cosmic ray conf. Aug. 2-15, 1987. Moscow, USSR. Conf.Papers. , Vol.6 , с. P.144-146 , 01.1988
- Nikolsky S.I. , Erlykin A.D. , Chubenko A.P. , Kulitchenko A.K.
Energy losses of relativistic muons in polycrystals.
Pr. FIAH , N80 , с. 14 p. , 01.1980
- Erlykin A.D. , Kuzina N.P.
Analysis of cosmic ray propagation through the atmosphere in the light of the scaling violation problem.
Pr. FIAH , N95 , с. 38 p.:il , 01.1980
- Danilova T.V. , Erlykin A.D.
The method for the study of the inelastic cross-section for high energy protons by means of shower arrays with the large calorimetric area.
II-19331 19th Intern.cosmic ray conf. La Jolla, USA, Aug.11-23, 1985.Conf.papers , Vol.6 , с. P.35-38 , 01.1985
- Erlykin A.D. , Krutikova N.P. , Shabelski Y.M.
Propagation of cosmic rays through the atmosphere in the Quark-gluon strings model.
II-19331 19th Intern.cosmic ray conf. La Jolla, USA, Aug.11-23, 1985.Conf.papers , Vol.6 , с. P.92-95 , 01.1985
- Nesterova N.M. , Danilova T.V. , Erlykin A.D. , Chubenko A.P. , Dubovy A.G.
About increase of the large P processes fraction in ha interactions at energies 5*10~14-10~16 eV according to the data on E.A.S. hadrons.
II-19331 19th Intern.cosmic ray conf. La Jolla, USA, Aug.11-23, 1985.Conf.papers , Vol.7 , с. P.40-43 , 01.1985