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| - Dremin I.M. , Yakovlev V.I.
Particles with heavy quarks and long-flying cascades in cosmic rays (Tien-Shan effect).
17 Intern. conf. on multyparticle dynamics
- Slavatinsky S.A. , Chernavsky D.S. , Dremin I.M. , Maximenko V.M.
Application of diagram method to the calculation of characteristics for nucleon-nucleon interaction at the energy of 300 Bev and their comparison with experimental data.
I-7256 Intern. conf. on cosmic rays and the earth strom. III. Cosmic rays. Kyoto, 4-15 Sept., 1961 , Vol.3 , с. P.515-518 , 01.1962
- Tretjakova M.I. , Dremin I.M. , Adamovich M.I. , Chernjavskii M.M. , Gershkovich A.M. , Kharlamov S.P. , Larionova V.G. , Volkov E.I. , Yagudina F.R.
Clusters and the rapidity interval method.
Nuovo Cimento , Vol.33A,N1 , с. P.183-194 , 01.1976
- Tretjakova M.I. , Dremin I.M. , Orlova G.I. , Adamovich M.I. , Kharlamov S.P. , Larionova V.G. , Volkov E.I. , Chernjavsky M.M.
Distributions of rapidity intervals in inelastic hadron-hadron interactions at high energies.
Pr. FIAH , N122 , с. 7 p. , 01.1976
- Dremin I.M. , Tretyakova M.I. , Orlov A.M.
Ringlike inelastic events in cosmic rays and accelerators.
II-19331 19th Intern.cosmic ray conf. La Jolla, USA, Aug.11-23, 1985.Conf.papers , Vol.6 , с. P.145-148 , 01.1985
- Dremin I.M. , Yakovlev V.I. , Golubnichy P.I. , Efimenko L.A. , Savchenko R.T. , Madigozhin D.T. , Saakjan V.A. , Serdukov A.D.
Tien-Shan effect and charmed particles.
II-19331 19th Intern.cosmic ray conf. La Jolla, USA, Aug.11-23, 1985.Conf.papers , Vol.8 , с. P.314-317 , 01.1985
- Dremin I.M. , Yakovlev V.I. , Madigozhin D.T. , Serdyukov A.D.
Tien - Shan effect - experiment and theory.
I-93843 Intern. cosmic ray conf. Aug. 2-15, 1987. Moscow, USSR. Conf.Papers. , Vol.6 , с. P.360-363 , 01.1987
- Dremin I.M. , Yakovlev V.I. , Madigozhin D.T.
Hadroproduction of charm in cosmic rays and at accelerators.
21-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. Conf.papers. Australia. , Vol.10 , с. P.166-169 , 01.1991
- Kotelnikov K.A. , Dremin I.M. , Astaf'eva N.M.
Pattern recognition in high multiplicity events.
Mod.Phys.Lett. , Vol.A12 , с. P.1185-1193 , 01.1997
- Kotelnikov K.A. , Dremin I.M. , Polukhina N.G. , Ivanov O.V. , Kalinin S.A. , Nechitailo V.A.
Wavelet patterns in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 158A GeV.
Phys.Lett.B , Vol.499B , с. P.97-103 , 01.2001