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  1.   Ritus V.I.
    Symmetries and canses of the coincidence of the radiation spectra of mirrors and charges in 1+1 and 3+1 spaces. II-20618 The Casimir effect 50 years later. Fourth Workshop on quantum field theory under the influence of external conditions, 14-18 Sept. 1998. Leipzig. Germany. Proc. / Ed. M.Bordag , с. P.283-299

  2.   Ritus V.I. ,     Nikishov A.I.
    Rindler solutions and particle sources. Second International Sakharov conference on physics. Moscow. 20-24 May. 1996 Ed. I.M.Dremin and A.M.Semikhatov , с. P.522-526

  3.   Ritus V.I.
    Who else if not me?. Sakharov Remembered / Ed.S.D.Drell, S.P.Kapitza , с. P.134-148

  4.   Ritus V.I.
    The mass shift of a uniformly accelerated electron. Quantum field theory and quantum astatistics.Essays in honour of the sixtieth birthday of E.S.Fradkin. Vol.1. Quantum statistics and methods of field theory / Ed. J.A.Batalin, C.J.Isham, G.A.Vilkovisky , с. C.277-292

  5.   Ritus V.I.
    On the connection of quantum electrodynamics of intense field with quantum electrodynamics at small distances. Multiphoton Processes. Intern. Conf. at the University of Rochester. Proc. ... New York. 1977

  6.   Ritus V.I.
    Fort-order radiative corrections to elastic scattering amplitude of electron in intensive field and pair electroproduction. XV-th Intern. Conf. on High Energy Physics: Abstracts of contributions , с. C.675

  7.   Ritus V.I.
    Radiative effects and their enhancement in intensive electromagnetic field. 4-th Intern. Sympos. on Electron and Photon Interact. of High Energies. Proc.

  8.   Ritus V.I.
    Radiative correlations in quantum electrodynamics with intense field and their analytical properties. Ann.Phys. , Vol.69,N2 , с. P.555-582 , 01.1972

  9.   Ritus V.I.
    Vacuum polarization correction to elastic electron and muon scattering in an intense field and pair electro- and muoproduction. Nucl.Phys. , Vol.44B,N2 , с. C.236 , 01.1972

  10.   Ritus V.I. ,     Morozov D.A.
    Elastic electron scattering in an intense field and two photon emission. Nucl.Phys. , Vol.86B , с. P.309-332 , 01.1975

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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