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| - Nikolsky S.I. , Yakovlev V.I. , Pavluchenko V.P. , Golubnichy P.I. , Efimenko L.A. , Savchenko R.T.
Production of long-flying component at energy above 100 TeV.
16-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. 16-th. 6-18 Aug. 1979. Conf. Papers. Sponsored by Sci. Council of Japan and Phys. Soc. of Japan , Vol.16 , с. P.59-62 , 01.1979
- Nikolsky S.I. , Yakovlev V.I. , Golubnichy P.I. , Kaliuzhy G.S. , Korchikov S.D. , Zhelesnych I..
On acoustic detection of cosmic ray particles.
17-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. France.1981 , Vol.8 , с. P.121-124 , 01.1981
- Dremin I.M. , Yakovlev V.I. , Golubnichy P.I. , Efimenko L.A. , Savchenko R.T. , Madigozhin D.T. , Saakjan V.A. , Serdukov A.D.
Tien-Shan effect and charmed particles.
II-19331 19th Intern.cosmic ray conf. La Jolla, USA, Aug.11-23, 1985.Conf.papers , Vol.8 , с. P.314-317 , 01.1985
- Nikolsky S.I. , Yakovlev V.I. , Golubnichy P.I. , Korchikov S.D.
Experimental investigation of radiative-acoustic effects in the water by the thermodynamical conditions of dumand.
II-19331 19th Intern.cosmic ray conf. La Jolla, USA, Aug.11-23, 1985.Conf.papers , Vol.8 , с. P.325-328 , 01.1985
- Yakovlev V.I. , Golubnichy P.I. , Efimenko L.A. , Savchenko R.T.
On possible role of charmed particles in the creation of long-flying component.
18-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. India. Conf. Papers , Vol.5 , с. P.102-105 , 01.1983