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Персона без имени

  1.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Tsytovich V.N.
    Transition radiation and transition scattering. en=ru Неизвестное название

  2.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ptuskin V.S. ,     Tsytovich V.N.
    On the role of plasma effects in the cosmic ray propagation and isotropization in the galaxy. Pr. FIAH , N161а , с. 50p. , 01.1972

  3.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ptuskin V.S. ,     Tsytovich V.N.
    On the of plasma effects in the cosmic ray propagation and isotropization in the galaxy. Astrophys. and Space Sci. , Vol.21,N1 , с. P.13-38 , 01.1973

  4.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Tsytovich V.N.
    Several problems of the theory of transition radiation and transition scattering. Phys.Repts C , Vol.49,N1 , с. P.1-89 , 01.1979

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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