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| - Bazilevskaya G.A. , Stozhkov Y.I. , Charakhchyan T.N. , Charakhchyan A.N. , Kvashnin A.N. , Golenkov A.E.
Solar cosmic rays on 25 and 28 May 1967 according to statospheric measurement data.
Acta phys.acad.sci.hung. , Vol.29,suppl.2 , с. P.501-503 , 01.1970
- Stozhkov Y.I. , Golenkov A.E. , Okhlopkov V.P. , Svirzhevsky N.S. , Svirzhevskaya A.K.
Latitude measurements of cosmic ray intensity in the stratosphere during the solar minimum 1975-1976.
15-th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. Bulgaria.1977 , Vol.4 , с. P.229-233 , 01.1977
- Stozhkov Y.I. , Serdjukov A.D. , Golenkov A.E.
The measurements of the albedo particle flux in the atmosphere at the latitude with the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity R_c=2.35 GV.
16-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. 16-th. 6-18 Aug. 1979. Conf. Papers. Sponsored by Sci. Council of Japan and Phys. Soc. of Japan , Vol.3 , с. C.176-179 , 01.1979