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Персона без имени

  1.   Stozhkov Y.I. ,     Krajnev M.B.
    The influence of the general magnetic field of the Sun on the cosmic rays. Междунар. симпоз. "Проблемы магнитных полей в космосе". 1976, Крым, Симеиз , Т.1 , с. С.61-70 , 01.1976

  2.   Stozhkov Y.I. ,     Krajnev M.B.
    The solar corona expansion geometry and cosmic ray effects. I The from of the solar wind flux lines and the characteristics of the interplanetary space. 16-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. 16-th. 6-18 Aug. 1979. Conf. Papers. Sponsored by Sci. Council of Japan and Phys. Soc. of Japan , Vol.3 , с. P.218-223 , 01.1979

  3.   Stozhkov Y.I. ,     Krajnev M.B.
    The solar corona expansion geometry and cosmic ray effects. II.The modification of the II-year variation of the galactic cosmic ray intensity and their latitude gradient. 16-th Intern. cosmic ray conf. 16-th. 6-18 Aug. 1979. Conf. Papers. Sponsored by Sci. Council of Japan and Phys. Soc. of Japan , Vol.3 , с. P.224-229 , 01.1979

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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