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Персона без имени
| - Erlykin A.D. , Ng L.K. , Wolfendale A.W.
Interpretation of cosmic ray muon data in the light of results from intersection storage ring experiment.
J.Phys. , 7A,N16 , с. P.2059-2073 , 01.1974
- Erlykin A.D. , Ng L.K. , Wolfendale A.W.
Relationship of the spectrum of sea level muons to that of primary cosmic rays.
J.Phys. , 7A,N16 , с. P.2074-2084 , 01.1974
- Erlykin A.D. , Ng L.K. , Wolfendale A.W.
Response function for near sea level muons.
14-th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc. Munich 1975 , Vol.6 , с. P.1999-2002 , 01.1975
- Erlykin A.D. , Ng L.K. , Wolfendale A.W.
Relationship of the muon charge ratio to the mass composition of primary cosmic rays.
14-th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc. Munich 1975 , Vol.6 , с. P.2003-2006 , 01.1975
- Erlykin A.D. , Ng L.K. , Wolfendale A.W.
Muon charge ratio and the mass composition of primary cosmic rays.
J.Phys. , Vol.8 , с. P.L51-L54 , 01.1975