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  1.   Chuenkov V.A. ,     Murzin V.N. ,     Mityagin Y.A. ,     Karuzskii A.L. ,     Perestoronin A.V. ,     Pishchulin A.A. ,     Kazakov I.P. ,     Shchurova L.Y.
    Intersubband population inversion under resonance tunneling in wide quantum well structures. 8-th Intern. symp."Nanostructures: Physics and Technology", St.Petersburg, Russia, June 19-23, 2000 , с. P.35-37

  2.   Murzin V.N. ,     Mityagin Y.A. ,     Pishchulin A.A. ,     Kazakov I.P.
    Electric field domains and self-sustained current oscillations in weakly-coupled long period GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices. Intern. Sympos."Nanostructures-99: Physics and Technology", St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-23 June, 1999 , с. P.381

  3.   Murzin V.N. ,     Mityagin Y.A. ,     Pishchulin A.A. ,     Kasakov A.P.
    Electric-field domains and selfsustained current oscillations in weakly coupled longperiod GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices. Abstr.. 24 Intern. conf. phys. semicond. Israel, Jerusalem, Aug. 2-7, 1998 , Abstr.,Vol.2 , с. Th-P74 , 01.1998

  4.   Chuenkov V.A. ,     Murzin V.N. ,     Mityagin Y.A. ,     Karuzskii A.L. ,     Perestoronin A.V. ,     Pishchulin A.A. ,     Kazakov I.P. ,     Shchurova L.Y.
    Intersubband population inversion under resonance tunneling in wide quantum well structures. Nanotechnology , Vol.11,N4 , с. P.211-214 , 01.2000

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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