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  1.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Zharkov G.F.
    Thermoelectric effects in superconductors and thermomechanical circulatory effect in superfluids. XIV Intern. Conf. on low temp. phys. , Vol.2 , с. P.505-509 , 01.1975

  2.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Zheleznyakov V.V.
    On the pulsar emission mechanisms. Ann. Rev. Astr. Astrophys. , Vol.13 , с. P.511-535 , 01.1975

  3.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Zheleznyakov V.V.
    On the origin of cosmic rays. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. , Vol.277,N1270 , с. P.463-479 , 01.1975

  4.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Does astronomy need "new physics"?. Quart.J.Roy.Astron.Soc. , Vol.16,N3 , с. P.265-281 , 01.1975

  5.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Levanyuk A.P.
    Light scattering in the vicinity of phase-transition points in solids. I-65909 The theory of light scattering in solids. Proc. of the I Soviet-American symposium. Moscow, 26-30 May 1975. , Vol.1 , с. P.2-8 , 01.1976

  6.   Ginzburg V.L.
    A remark in the discussion (on prof. D.Mill's report, May 29, 1975). I-65909 The theory of light scattering in solids. Proc. of the I Soviet-American symposium. Moscow, 26-30 May 1975. , Т.2 , с. P.448-449 , 01.1975

  7.   Ginzburg V.L.
    Concluding remarks at the meeting on May 30 1975. I-65909 The theory of light scattering in solids. Proc. of the I Soviet-American symposium. Moscow, 26-30 May 1975. , Т.2 , с. С.644-647 , 01.1975

  8.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ptuskin V.S.
    On the origin of cosmic rays: some problems in highenergy astrophysics. Rev.Mod.Phys. , Vol.48,N2,pt.1 , с. P.161-189 , 01.1976

  9.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Ozernoy L.M.
    О природе квазаров и активных ядер галактик. Astrophys. and Space Sci. , Vol.50,N1 , с. P.23-41: il. , 01.1977

  10.   Ginzburg V.L. ,     Tsytovich V.N.
    Several problems of the theory of transition radiation and transition scattering. Phys.Repts C , Vol.49,N1 , с. P.1-89 , 01.1979

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