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  1.   Antonov Romanovskii_VV. ,     Kalnin Y.H.
    On the effective recombination cross-section and distribution function of free carriers relative to ionized centres. J. Luminescence , Vol.3,N6 , с. P.427-437 , 01.1971

  2.   Antonov Romanovskii_VV.
    On the formation of large clusters of recombining particles of one kind in solids under excitation (One-dimensional continuous and discrete models). Phys. status solidi B , Vol.121,N1 , с. P.133-144 , 01.1984

  3.   Antonov Romanovskii_VV.
    On the formation of large clusters of recombining particles of one kind in solids during reaction A+B=0. Two- and three-dimensional discrete models. Phys. status solidi B , Vol.125,N2 , с. P.517-521 , 01.1984

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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