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Персона без имени
- Silin V.P. , Andreev N.E. , Silin P.V.
Nonlinear electromagnetic waves in flowing plasma.
Nonlinear waves /Lokenath Debnath , с. P.133-162
- Silin V.P.
Relaxation and transport theory for plasmas in strong magnetic field.
Statistical Physics of Charged Particle Systems , с. P.13-41
- Klimontovich Y.. , Silin V.P.
The spectra of systems of interacting particles.
Plasma Physics/ J.E.Drummond , с. P.35-87
- Silin V.P. , Fetisov E.P.
Interpretation of the electromagnetic radiation from electron passage through metal films.
Phys.Rev.Lett. , Vol.7,N10 , с. C.374-377 , 01.1961
- Klimontovich Y.. , Silin V.P.
Uber die Spektren wechselwirkender Teilchen und die kollektiven Verluste beim Durchgang geladener Teilchen durch Materie.
Fortschr. Phys , Bd.10,H.8 , с. S.389-434 , 01.1962
- Ginzburg V.L. , Silin V.P. , Rukhadze A.A.
The electrodynamics of crystals and the theory of excitons.
The Physics and Chemistry of Solids , Vol.23,jan.-febr. , с. P.85-97 , 01.1962
- Silin V.P. , Fetisov E.P.
Spatial dispersion effects in the optics of metals.
Phys. status solidi B , Vol.39,N1 , с. P.49-60 , 01.1970
- Silin V.P.
The absolute parametric instabilities and the plasma heating.
J. de physique , Т.38,Col.6,December , с. P.6 , 01.1977
- Silin V.P. , Tikhonchuk V.T.
On parametric absorption in laser plasma.
Phys.Lett. A , Vol.78A,N3 , с. P.246-248 , 01.1980
- Silin V.P. , Andreev N.E. , Stenchikov G.L.
Nonlinear interaction of the radiation with the ponderomotive force deformed plasmas.
Physica D , Vol.2 , с. C.146-157 , 01.1981