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  1.   Ochkin V.N.
    Classical and laser spectroscopy of molecular plasma. XV SPIG. Contributed papers , с. P.321

  2.   Ochkin V.N. ,     Mit'ko S.V. ,     Paramonov A.V. ,     Shirokikh A.P.
    Discharge formation near the firrite surface. XV SPIG. Contributed papers , с. P.326

  3.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Savinov S.Y. ,     Tskhai S.N.
    Local rotational distributions of H_2(X~1"sigma") molecules in a glow discharge. IX ESCAMPIG, Lisbon, Portugal, 1988. Inv. Talks and Contr. Papers. Abstracts , с. P.257-258

  4.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Bel'tugov V.N. ,     Troitsky Y.V. ,     Kuznetsov A.A. ,     Udalov Y.B.
    Molecular waveguide laser with diffraction grating. XI Intern. conf. on infrared and millimeter waves ,Pisa, Italy, 1986, Conf.digest , с. P.451-453

  5.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Shotov A.P. ,     Zasavitsky I.I. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Savinov S.Y. ,     Demianenko A.V. ,     Spiridonov M.V.
    Determination of rovibrational levels populations of CO_2 molecules in glow discharge using pulsed diode laser spectroscopy. XI Intern. conf. on infrared and millimeter waves ,Pisa, Italy, 1986, Conf.digest , с. P.632-633

  6.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Otorbaev D.K. ,     Savinov S.Y. ,     Karasheva T.T. ,     Malikov M.. ,     Rykov V.A.
    Translation relaxation of excited atoms in gas discharge. 13 Intern. Sympos. on rarefied gas dynamics, Novosibirsk, 1982 , с. P.283-284

  7.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Otorbaev D.K. ,     Savinov S.Y. ,     Tskhai S.N.
    Rotational relaxation and intensity alternation in the 2~+ system of N_2 spectra. VI ESCAMPIG. Oxford,1982. Inv. Talks and Contr.Papers. Abstracts , с. P.187-190

  8.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Volchenok V.I. ,     Komarov V.N. ,     Kuprianov S.E. ,     Stukanog V.I. ,     Karpov L.Y.
    Spatial inhomogeneity of chemical composition in sealed CO_2 laser plasmas. I-79766 Intern. conf. on phenomena in ionized gases. Contr. papers. Pt.II, Minck, 14-18 july, 1981 , с. P.873-874

  9.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Otorbaev D.K. ,     Preobrazensky N.G. ,     Savinov S.Y. ,     Sedelnikov A.I.
    Velocities distributions of electronically excited molecules in nonequilibrium plasma. V Intern. symp. on Plasma Chemistry, Edinborough, 1981 , с. P.69

  10.   Sobolev N.N. ,     Ochkin V.N. ,     Volchenok V.I. ,     Komarov V.N. ,     Kuprianov S.E. ,     Stukanog V.I.
    Spatial geterogenity of chemical composition in sealed-off CO{2} and CO laser plasmas. V Intern. symp. on Plasma Chemistry, Edinborough, 1981 , с. P.74

Последние изменения: 26.01.2004

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