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General system theory and mathematical physics


    The purpose of the paper is to lay a bridge between two Sciences: general
    systems theory and mathematical physics. We consider a branch manufacturing
    model when general factories produce the intermediate wares. The final
    production is assembled from these wares in the central plant. The decision
    maker takes the plan of the next year which is proportional to the last one. The
    coefficient of the proportionality is maximized. The block structure linear
    programming problem with the specific coupling restriction is obtained where
    the coupling matrix consists of the diagonal submatrices. This problem is
    solved by means of the two level decomposition method based on iterative
    aggregation. The approach is enlarged upon a wide class of hierarchical
    optimization problems including nonlinear ones without additional difficult
    procedures of linearization and approximation as for well known Danzig-
    Wolfe's algorithm. In particular, we introduce new hierarchical systems where
    the subsystems are described by by the partial differential equations of the
    different types. The non separable case (interconnected subsystems) is
    investigated too.

 Ключевые слова

    mathematical physics, general systems theory, decomposition, hierarchical optimization
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Последние изменения: 20.02.2001

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