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The concept and first results of computer network application of a visual tool for screening large varieties of decision alternatives named the Interactive Decision Maps (IDM) technique is described. The IDM technique helps to apply Geographical Information Systems in spatial decision problems with large varieties of alternatives. It provides fast display of decision information in a graphic form of systems of efficient tradeoffs (decision maps) which may be easily understood. Information on feasible combinations of three to seven performance indicators (choice criteria) and on efficient tradeoffs between them may be displayed. In a decision process, this information helps to indicate a preferable feasible goal in a decision map by a simple mouse click. Then, a decision alternative resulting in the feasible goal is computed immediately. In negotiation procedures, the IDM technique helps to transform negotiations into a navigation on decision maps. The IDM-based negotiation support procedures accomplish the main idea of Principled Negotiations: decisions are computed after a balanced combination of interests has been negotiated. In spatial decision and negotiation problems, the computed decision alternatives are displayed in GIS. Since the interaction among user and computer in the IDM technique is quite simple, it can be implemented via computer networks. Here, we restrict ourselves to open networks (actually, INTERNET). Being implemented in INTERNET, the IDM technique may help any computer-literate person to develop independent strategies for solving various important problems. An INTERNET demo version providing an opportunity to develop a strategy for a regional environmentally sound economic problem has been established in Web (http://www.ccas.ru/mmes/mmeda/resource/). The concept of IDM-based negotiations via INTERNET devoted to collaborative decision making on local and regional problems (like locally undesirable land use) is outlined. Ключевые слова
computer networks, GIS, decision and negotiation support, interactive decision maps, efficient tradeoffs, feasible goals, reasonable goals, independent strategies, principled negotiations Полный текст
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