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Screening the strategies for water quality planning


    A new approach to screening of environmental strategies is described, and its application to water quality planning in large river basins is considered. The approach is based on a joint application of MIKE 11, which is a well-known system for modeling rivers and channels, and of a new graphic tool that supports a search for efficient strategies and is called Feasible Goals Method / Interactive Decision Maps (FGM/IDM). The hydrodynamic and advection-dispersion models of MIKE 11 are applied as data preparation tools for the FGM/IDM technique. The FGM/IDM technique helps to select a few efficient strategies for water quality planning. After that one can use Mike 11 once again for simulation of selected strategies. Thus, the FGM/IDM technique is an additional system component that broadens the scope of decision support services provided by water quality simulation systems like MIKE 11.

 Ключевые слова

    decision screening, DSS, Feasible Goals Method, Interactive Decision Maps, MIKE 11, water quality planning
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Последние изменения: 21.02.2001

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