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Managing of Clean and Dirty Outputs


    This paper gives description of a model of economic, environmental and social processes interaction. A vintage model describes dynamics of production capacities. The capacities use technologies with different levels of waste products emission per one unit of output. Current highest permissible level of the emission fixed according the world law divides outputs in clean and dirty ones. Employment of production capacities determines the intensity of pollution. The state forms ecological funds taxing producers for harmful emission and consumers for income. The producers choice a level of production and new technologies. Society use a mechanism of information influences on consumers. Consumers choice between the goods made on clean and dirty technologies. Consumption patterns of skill groups changed with price levels, tax freeing for clean consumption, levels of ecological education, and information pressure. The model behavior is studied. The mechanism of public influence on economic growth provides favorable evolution of the ecosystem.

 Ключевые слова

    vintage model, production capacity, pollution, clean and dirty outputs, skilled and unskilled labor, tax freeing, consumption patterns, sustainable development

    JEL classification: E21, E23, O13, O33, Q01, Q28


Последние изменения: 13.08.2002

119991 Москва, Ленинский просп., 14
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