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Структура учреждений РАН

Intelligent Systems of Control of Apparatuses for Artificial Ventilation of the Lungs I. Principles of Construction


    Abstract—In this paper, the hardware-software support of processes of control of artificial ventilation of the
    lungs is described. The complexity of these processes and the necessity of design of special apparatuses for their
    control, which are based on the usage of methods and facilities of modern information technology, are empha-
    sized. The problem of development of the functionally complete set of executing elements with expanded func-
    tional capabilities, on the base of which the corresponding universal apparatus is developed, is posed and solved.
    The multilevel structure of intelligent control that allows us to design a number of apparatuses of artificial ven-
    tilation of the lungs with different levels of intelligence is suggested. Various facilities of intelligent control, such
    as a base of fuzzy rules and expert systems, are included in the control loop of the ventilation process.

 Ключевые слова

    Intelligent Control Systems, Fuzzy Information Processing, Lungs Ventilation Control

Последние изменения: 20.02.2001

119991 Москва, Ленинский просп., 14
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