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Структура учреждений РАН

Intelligent Control in Local Radio Network of Information Transmission


    Abstract—A structure of a radio network providing stable radio communication between subscribers and con-
    sisting of standard retransmission centers constructed on the basis of a multichannel system of information
    transmission is described. The system incorporates all of the positive properties of radio relay communication
    lines: secrecy, wide-band, and operative allocation of channels. In addition, it provides communication among
    subscribers along several different directions by the use of a circular phased array antenna. A multilevel intel-
    ligent control system is used in the system of radio communication.

 Ключевые слова

    Intelligent Control, Logical design, Fuzzy Information Processingin, Local Radio Network

Последние изменения: 20.02.2001

119991 Москва, Ленинский просп., 14
Телефон: (495) 938-0309 (Справ. бюро); Факс: (495) 954-3320 (Лен.пр.14), (495) 938-1844 (Лен.пр,32а)
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