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Структура учреждений РАН

Analysis of Consumer Demand Structure by Means of Economic Indexes.


    S.N.Afriat [1] proposed a nonparametric method for construction of utility function which reduce the calculation of utility function to solving system of linear inequalities. W/E/Diewert [2] considered equivalent linear programming problem and found an algorithm which take into account its characterictic features. Utility functions which calculates in [1,2] are not positive homogeneous and usually there is a great indeterminacy in their construction.

    In this paper we consider a nonparametric method for calculation of economic indexes, that are positive homogeneous utility function (index of production) and price index. The economic indexes which was calculated by this method reflect the structure of consumer demand functions and may be used for the solution of the following problems:

    1. to predict the changing of demand structure when prices change;
    2. to find the ratio of prices which is necessary to support some consumer demand structure.

    [1] Afriat S.N. The construction of utility functions from expenditure data//International economic review. - 1967. 8(1), pp.67-77.
    [2] Diewert W.E. Afriat and revealed preference theory//The review of economic studies.- 1973. XL-3(123), pp.419-425

 Ключевые слова

    nonparametric method for construction of utility function,
    system of linear inequalities, nonparametric metod for calculation of economic indexes, positive homogeneous utility function, index of production, price index,
    structure of consumer demand functions

Последние изменения: 25.02.2001

119991 Москва, Ленинский просп., 14
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